Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Buying Tips

Have you made up your mind that you really need an auto darkening welding helmet? And now you are scratching your head wondering which is the best one for you to buy? I have a few tips for you that might just help you get the right welding helmet. There sure are a lot to choose from. Darkening speed is really important. Good auto darkening helmets change in 1/20,000 second or less. Dont buy anything slower. Some auto helmets are not adjustable and are fixed at a shade 10. How do you know that

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How Welding Helmets Protect Your Eyes

Welding helmets are the without a doubt the single most valuable item a welder has to protect himself. Welding helmets have been around for a long time and the technology has steadily improved. They are much more user friendly and offer far more protection. Still, there are a lot of misconceptions about how a welding helmet actually protects the welder from environmental hazards of their job. Your average layperson commonly believes a welding helmet's primary task is to shield your eyes

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Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Review

Auto darkening helmets have been around for at least 15 years now but the first auto darkening helmets on the market were not worth the matches it would have taken to set them on fire. I remember a vendor leaving an auto darkening welding helmet with me for my review 15 years ago. It gave me so many problems that I think he was embarrassed to come and get it back. I got flashed a lot and the corners of the auto darkening lens did not even darken like they were supposed to. This was no cheap

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Miller Welding Helmet - Digital Elite Model Reviewed

Why is it the Miller Welding Helmets seem to be more popular than the rest? Is a Miller Welding Helmet any better than other auto darkening welding helmets like SpeedGlas, Jackson, ArcOne, Optrel, and a slew of others? It's the graphics package... Camouflage for the outdoorsman Skulls and Jokers for the wild bunch Checkered flags for Nascar fans Red, white, and blue flag graphics for Americans to show patriotism And even a maple leaf for proud Canadians and a bunch of other choices too. So

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